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Commercial Disputes 


Disputes frequently arise between businesses; these involve their customers, suppliers and other parties which form part of business life.


If a dispute cannot be sorted out in correspondence or by meetings then proceedings are often issued in the County Court or High Court.


We advise clients in relation to the law as it applies to the facts and assist in relation to settling disputes and all procedures regarding the courts and attendance at hearings. 


Planning, strategy and risk analysis all play a vital part in court proceedings in respect of which specialist advice is required.


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.

Alternative Dispute Resolution 


There are other options to taking someone to court. Frequently parties are asked to try and engage in mediation to settle their disputes. Further, a dispute may be dealt with by way of Arbitration which can be quick and less expensive. 


There are set procedures involved in Arbitration and in all cases of Alternative Dispute Resolution it is important that the appropriate evidence is provided and presented correctly. 


We attend Mediation and Arbitrations with clients and try ensure that they have the best possible chance of a successful outcome. 


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.

Commercial Agreements


Where one party has not done as they should have done under a commercial agreement then the other party can look to take action against them.  The terms of the agreement need ascertaining and then advice on what can and cannot be done is required.  Sometimes agreements can be cancelled or terminated but often a breach of contract gives rise to a claim for compensation (or damages).


Advice is necessary at the onset to ensure that the correct path is followed.


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.


Companies and Partnerships


Shareholders can find themselves in disputes with their fellow shareholders. Sometimes they are being treated in an unfair manner. Minority shareholders have rights and these disputes can lead to court proceedings. 


Partnerships sometimes face similar difficulties and we can advise on how best to resolve these.


Through not following the laws and regulations companies can find themselves having been struck off the register in circumstances where they still own assets.  An application to restore the Company to the register needs to be made to the court and we can advise and assist in relation to these procedures. 


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.



Technology and Construction 


These are specialised types of commercial disputes dealt with in the Technology and Construction Court before a specialist judge.  They include building disputes and disputes over computer software implementation. Normally expert evidence is required to assist the Court with understanding the nature of the disagreement.


Cases are detailed and require specialised advice which we can give to our clients.


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.



Banking and Finance


Disputes with banks and finance often revolve around loans, overdrafts and guarantees and the way they have been dealt with by banks and finance companies.  However, the miss-selling of insurance policies and interest rate hedging products is a more frequent source of disputes.


Sometimes the issues are dealt with internally by banks and finance companies; the Financial Ombudsman can assist; ultimately matters may have to proceed to the courts.


We have experience in dealing with all types of common disputes with banks and finance companies.


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.



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