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Disputes arise all the time between individuals and other people or organisations. Where one party has acted contrary to the law then this may give rise to certain rights for the other party to compensation or otherwise. 


Claims arise in many areas including:


Building Disputes  

Planning Appeals

Libel and Slander  


Accidents and Injuries


Consumer Credit            



We advise on the merits of any claim and the best way forward.


Where disputes proceed to court we advise and assist clients in relation to procedures and documentation appropriate to the dispute and arrange, where necessary, attendance at court of an advocate to assist in bringing or defending a claim.  


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860. 


Debt Recovery


If someone owes you money, very often the first step is to get some form of Judgement from the Court in your favour. Once you have obtained a Judgement then you need to enforce it. 


There are different ways of enforcing a Judgment. For example, it may be appropriate to use the services of a Bailiff or a Sheriff to take some of the items owed by the debtor and then sell them to settle the debt.  


If the debtor has a house or an apartment that they own then a charging order can be obtained over it and in certain circumstances a sale can be forced to provide money to settle the debt. 


We send letters on behalf of clients demanding money that is owed, issue claims in the Courts, obtain judgements and enforce them. Sometimes payment is received after the first letter and on other occasions the debtor will be pursued all the way to bankruptcy. 


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.

Insolvency and Directors Disqualification


When someone does not have enough money to pay their debts then they are usually deemed to be insolvent. This can lead to individuals being made bankrupt. 


Bankruptcy often gives rise to disputes about the entitlement of those involved to that which the debtor has available and we advise and assist in connection with such matters including consequential Court Proceedings. 


Sometimes individuals are directors of companies and separate proceeding are taken against them usually in relation to disqualifications – again we can advise clients who find themselves in these circumstances. 


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.



Numerous claims arise out of owning or occupying a property. 


Examples would be: Boundary Disputes and disputes over rights of way. Where there is a tenancy in place landlords may have to take action to get tenants out who are not paying rent; where a mortgage is not repaid then Banks and Building Societies can take action to repossess properties. 


We have experience in dealing with all sorts of different disputes relating to properties and can advise and assist clients in relation to any claims.   


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.


Wills and Probate


Disputes can arise over Wills and the process of obtaining Probate and dealing with the assets of the deceased following their death. 


Sometimes those who have not received anything under a Will may have a claim; further, if those who are looking after the estate are not dealing with things properly then the courts can intervene. 


We can advise beneficiaries and executors in relation to any disputes that arise in respect of Wills, Probate or Administration (no will made). 


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.





Professionals, such as: solicitors, barristers, accountants, surveyors, insurance brokers, etc., hold themselves out as having more than average ability and skill in their chosen field of expertise. 


When things go wrong, we can assist in advising upon the appropriate standard of care that would apply and whether there has been any breach. We can also assist in assessing any loss that flows from professional negligence and in pursuing a claim.


To discuss your situation with a solicitor call us on 0121 323 1860.




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